The New Normal October 12, 2016 To the Ones on the Sidelines I punch about 47 numbers into my landline phone to connect Madison, Wisconsin to Bondoukou,… Leah Love0
The New Normal October 5, 2016 Salami at the JCC I have a secret. We bring salami into the JCC. Leah Love0
The New Normal February 19, 2016 On the Day of Your Diagnosis Dear parent, we haven’t met before, but it is nice to meet you. Leah Love0
The New Normal February 16, 2016 Party of Five I remember the geneticist giving us three pieces of advice. Leah Love0
The New Normal February 16, 2016 Literal Meltdown To whom it may concern at the sugar-free popsicle company Leah Love0
The New Normal February 16, 2016 Dear Woman at the Grocery Store Yes, I see you acknowledging my child, sucking on a pink lollypop at 7am. Leah Love0
The New Normal February 16, 2016 To Leah on her 33rd Birthday On my fourteenth birthday I got a new cash register. Leah Love0
The New Normal February 16, 2016 Speak What We Feel During my sophomore year Shakespeare class, I spilled coffee all over everyone. Leah Love0